Sorry it’s been a while, folks. I am not good at keeping up with a blog.
2014 has been a whirlwind of a year. If I had told you what was being planned by the beginning of the year, you guys would have told me I was f*cking crazy with no way of completing that list. I told myself the same thing at the beginning of the year.
I wanted to make 2014 special.
Blog more
Get more involved in the community
Certain salary goals
Lose 40+ pounds and get fit
Get engaged
Lead by example
There were a lot of flaws in my life that needed to be fixed.
Blog more
First, let’s start with the negative. I fail at blogging often. Made a goal to blog at least once a week and failed miserably at doing so. Apologies! Let’s hope I can keep up this year.
Get more involved in the community
While I was learning, there was an inherant issue with my involvement in the community. There needed to be more of it. I’m not talking about going to every meetup under the sun, I wasn’t participating at all. Going to anything at all would be an improvement. To a certain extent, this was fulfilled. Once a month, I would go to a meetup of interest with no agenda in mind. Just there to hang out!
Certain salary goals
A resolution/todo list wouldn’t be complete without having some vain goals. Mine was to meet certain salary goals. Not only did I start a new job, I also pushed very hard on the consulting front to meet these expectations. It was extremely difficult and time consuming, but alas, they were met.
Get fit
Another goal that is on EVERYONE’s resolution list is to lose weight. My health was on the decline. Since moving to Charleston, I have been eating out entirely way too much and eating the wrong kinds of foods. It’s been a goal of mine for the past few years and it’s never been taken seriously. Until I stepped on the scale in early January, I didn’t think anything of it. When I DID step on the scale, however, it was not a pretty sight. Something had to change. If you’ve been following my blog, you know what’s going on here.
Sick gains, yo.
Get engaged
This was my number one priority. I’ve been dating a beautiful woman who deserves better then me. Getting engaged has been a long time coming. Frankly, it’s taken too long. She stuck around.
She said yes! Wooo!
Lead by example
Part of my reasoning for taking the new job at The Iron Yard was to lead by example. It was nice absorbing all I could learn; but I had to give a bit back. Whether it was via teaching people programming or teaching people how to work out. I wanted to be a motivation for people to better themselves!
All in all, 2014 was a crazy ass year. If 2015 is anything like it, I’m in for a wild ride.
Monday I got a craving for something sweet – PANCAKES – and I took it upon myself to figure out how to eat pancakes on this diet. I can’t eat dairy, soy, sugars, or saturated fats on this diet so that eliminates all of the ingredients to make pancakes. Arghhhh.
Protein powder (I KNOW, WEIRD!)
Egg whites
The protein is a perfect substitute for the flour because it’s the same consistency and when you mix it into the egg whites, it makes a ‘batter’. Granted, the pancakes aren’t as good as normal ones, but they’re a great substitute if you can’t eat the former.
1 scoop of protein powder
½-2/3 cup of egg whites
½-2/3 cup of raw oats
Mix them together and mix until consistent with pancake batter. If the batter you create is too thick, add some more eggs whites. If the batter is too watery, add some more protein.
Put a spoonful or two into a heated pan (with 0 calorie/fat/sugar no-stick spray), cook until it starts turning brown on the edges – AND YOU HAVE SOME PANCAKES. Mmmmm.
Next, the syrup. What is pancakes without some syrup?
Here’s a picture of me dying. I have the coolest t-shirts.
Week 1 – Day 1: 185.0
Week 2 – Day 8: 179.8
Week 3 – Day 15: 178.2
Current total loss: 6.8
Last week, I did not lose much weight at all –1.6 pounds. Even though progress should not be as large as week 1, there still should have been more then that. There are several reason for this:
No week should have the same progress as week 1
My diet needs to change
I need to cut some of the carbs out of my diet. I’m consuming a lot more then I should. Instead of having 1 cup of pasta/rice, it’s being cut down to 2/3.
I had a cheat day (A day to eat myself silly!)
Ain’t she purty!?
Jenny’s, Brian’s, and Shannon’s (Brian’s lady) birthdays are all in September, so we had a big birthday bash on Saturday. I ate myself silly. Hot dogs, burgers, doughnuts, cake – so much sugar I made myself sick. This was for a reason. Even though this cheat day was planned, I wanted to stop all of these cravings I was having, so I ate the foods my body was craving until I got sick. And that’s OK. Now, I ain’t cravin’ shit!
Cravings were not a huge problem the second week. I am on autopilot now.
Week 3 Weigh In
Week 1 – Day 1: 185.0
Week 2 – Day 8: 179.8
Week 3 – Day 15: 178.2
Week 4 – Day 22: 173.8
Current total loss: 11.2
HUGE week!! 4.4 pounds lost! Last week was ROUGH. My body is having trouble adjusting to the changes in diet and it’s not taking it well. Kris Gethin warned this would happen, but it’s hard to prepare for it. I’m extremely irritable and can’t focus as well as normal. The lack of fat sucks.
The irritability issues lasted a few days. No big deal. I’m still having issues focusing like I used to, but it’s getting better!
I also ran the “Run or Dye” 5k on September 20th! It was a ton of fun – everyone has bags of dye and runs a few miles while throwing the dye on other people. I was all kinds of green/yellow/purple/pink while going to the gym later for my 2nd cardio session.
I am not a good writer, nor am I good in front of a camera. So why not practice both by blogging more, and vlogging more? Day 12 of my body transformation is a decent place to start, eh?
Hey guys, I’m back to review my first week on my new workout/diet regimen. First, the progress:
Started program: 185.0
Current weight: 179.8
5.2 lbs lost. Hell yeah! The first week is always the biggest week as far as weight loss is concerned because your body is expelling all of the sugars and bad nutrients it stored from before the changes. I was already getting pretty lean to begin with, so that is a big loss for me so far!
The first couple of days were extremely rough – getting used to the supplements and eating every 2-3 hours. I had to figure out a way to make the food not be so bland so I have been putting hot sauce on EVERYTHING.
My body is taking to it pretty well, though. I find myself more clear-headed and with more energy due to eliminating most all sugar.
Getting dommed(dominated) DOMS
DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is an acronym a lot of people use to describe the sore muscles 2 days after you work out. The day after workout isn’t usually too bad. The 2nd day after the workout is the worst. This is when your muscles turn really sore and you need to recover the muscles then most of all.
Worst day
Even though every day is kicking my ass and pushing my body to it’s limits, the worst day was day 5 – shoulders, calves, and abs. The reason being is I haven’t worked my calf muscles out in a very long time. I still can not walk due to soreness and it’s been 3 days.
Favorite day
I really enjoyed yesterdays workout – Legs. We did some crazy high reps of a lot of weight to destroy your legs. Was a great and tiring workout.
Before 150 reps on legpress. (Don’t worry, I fixed my footing before I started!)
After 150 reps on legpress.
My first eating out experience
Eating out when you are changing around your diet is a very difficult thing to do. We went to Moe’s and I sacrificed a lot of things I would previously have added to my burrito’s.
No dairy, soy, and as little sugar as possible. So, I had a whole grain tortilla, chicken, onions, cilantro, fresh jalapeno and that’s it. It was surprisingly good, though! I also had to cut the portions to be fist-sized. So I ate half of the burrito first, then the other half 2.5 hours later.
Get to sleep earlier
I have to start going to bed earlier. I go to bed around 11:30pm and wind up laying awake for a few hours before sleeping. I need to shut down the electronics earlier and get to bed earlier. This is a lifestyle change, not just a workout/diet regimen.
Fight the cravings
I’ve been pretty good about fighting the cravings so far. My advice is to fight through it. They will stop. After day 3, I haven’t really had a craving to eat anything crazy. I’m on autopilot now.
Surround yourself with good people
Surround yourself with people who motivate and inspire. Do not surround yourself with people who push you towards cheating. Just like in every aspect of life, if you surround yourself with people who support you, things will succeed so much more often.
Cheat Days
Cheat days are not advised. Once you fall back into 1 cheat day, it will turn into many. I have allotted myself 2 cheat days throughout the entirety of the program.
Jenny’s birthday is this weekend. I will be “cheating” on saturday by consuming some meats that are a bit more fatty then I would usually consume. Still no dairy, though. Lame. I miss cheese.
Thanksgiving. Turkey and corn. All I will eat, but I will consume a large quantity of said foods. Ain’t no diet getting in the way of my Thanksgiving.
I have done the breakfast meals (egg whites and oats) and did the cardio already (20 minutes of running). I am sweating profusely because I decided to take my dog for a run. Apparently she is way out of shape. So we’re adding one more creature to the lifestyle mix: my dog. We ran 3.5 kilometers. She’s slowin’ me down!
I was supposed to take before pictures, but I forgot. I will take those as soon as I cool down.
I have had the priveledge of being a part of a company that not only wants me to progress in my career, but personally as well. To do this, we put together 2 projects that do exactly that. 1 – do something, in short, that helps the company. 2 – do something that helps you personally. We are free to do whatever we want that falls within those broad scopes.
As some of you may know, Charleston can do quite a number to you. All of teh delicious food and bars makes for quite the unhealthy environment. I have regrettably gained a lot of weight since I have been here. I went from 170-180 pounds all of the way up to 220. I looked back at some of my habits and realized that I have become way to sedentary. Something needed to change. It was then that I went to the gym and got a personal trainer. He has since helped me lose 30 pounds and realize a love for exercising that I haven’t known before.
Before the weight loss:
After the weight loss:
Now, I am in better shape then I was in before (a WHOLE lot better), but there are still some goals that haven’t been met quite yet. I am plateuing in my training and need a change. Jermaine (my trainer) has worked wonders and helped me thus far. I am taking it upon myself to take it to the next level. With my personal project, I’ll be following a very regimented program – in both DIET and exercise.
Not only am I going to follow this regimen, two of my other friends are doing this with me. One to keep me accountable for every misstep and another to train and help better his habits as well.
DIET. MAN, DIET. I am not talking about eating salads every meal and cutting all kinds of calories. Your diet is what you eat on a day to day basis. My diet has been absolute shit and needs to change. The majority of body transformations aren’t from exercise, they’re from a strict diet of healthy foods. In short, we are eating infinitely healthier – less for enjoyment and more for health.
Exercise – I am still keeping to a very strict exercise routine, just changing how often I work out. 2 days on, 1 day off.
I’m going to teach you how to create a basic rails application STEP BY STEP. There will be images and code for each step as well. I hope this works for you guys.
I know there are no tests written, but this is just for my students to create a ‘scaffold’ of controller/models.
There are a few dependencies as well:
Sublime text
Sublime text alias (sub) that will open your project folder
In this first step, I want to create myself a new project folder. I am going to call this project “contact_list” as that is what we will be creating together, a 21st century Rolodex!
This next will will set up dependencies. Anyone who has been in a ruby project for long enough will know that RVM is huge. We will be using that in this project. To make gemset management easier, we will be creating a “.rvmrc” file.
% touch .rvmrc
% sub .
Inside of that “.rvmrc” file, we need to create our specific gemset. This command will force your computer to create the gemset if you haven’t yet.
This command should reload your current directory. The following screenshot will display what output you SHOULD get. If you do not get it, you need to cd out of your directory, then CD back in.
%cd .
Now, we are going to create our Rails project. To start, we need to install our Rails gem. After our gem is installed, we create a new project inside of our current directory with ‘rails new .’.
Now, we’re going to start our server to make sure everything is kosher. Let’s start it and check it out!
% rails server
We have a rails project. This is the screen you guys should be getting. This is the “Welcome Aboard” message you get when you start every project.
I want to get rid of the “Welcome Aboard” screen and start developing my own application, so I need to go into “config/routes.rb” and set up a root route. This will be where my application starts. For instance, if someone comes to my application at “”, this root route will be how it starts. The following code is telling it to go to a “Home” Controller’s “Index” action.
After this, I refresh my page to see what it tells me. Remember, you need to code a little then test the output.
Awesome! This is the error I wanted. I need to initialize a Home Controller now! Remember, Controller’s are generally pluralized! This one will be different. This is my landing page, hence “Home”
I now need to create an index template. The template name matches the action name. Notice I am using the application to drive how I create things. Way cool.
touch app/views/home/index.html.erb
Let’s put something inside of the file as well.
Cool! Now, let’s create some more routes so I can do more things.
% rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action root GET / home#index contacts GET /contacts(.:format) contacts#index POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create new_contact GET /contacts/new(.:format) contacts#newedit_contact GET /contacts/:id/edit(.:format) contacts#edit contact GET /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#show PATCH /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update PUT /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update DELETE /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#destro
Let’s throw some more content in index.html.erb. I want to be able to create new data now, so let’s throw a “New Contact” link in there as well.
% rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action root GET / home#index contacts GET /contacts(.:format) contacts#index POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create new_contact GET /contacts/new(.:format) contacts#newedit_contact GET /contacts/:id/edit(.:format) contacts#edit contact GET /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#show PATCH /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update PUT /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update DELETE /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#destro
Let’s make an “Edit” link next for each contact with the route we found above.
% rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action root GET / home#index contacts GET /contacts(.:format) contacts#index POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create new_contact GET /contacts/new(.:format) contacts#newedit_contact GET /contacts/:id/edit(.:format) contacts#edit contact GET /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#show PATCH /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update PUT /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update DELETE /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#destro
Let’s have a link that shows each individual contact now:
% rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action root GET / home#index contacts GET /contacts(.:format) contacts#index POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create new_contact GET /contacts/new(.:format) contacts#newedit_contact GET /contacts/:id/edit(.:format) contacts#edit contact GET /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#show PATCH /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update PUT /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update DELETE /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#destro